About Me

Pauline Wallin, PhD
Educated at the University of Toronto and the University of Minnesota, I received my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology in 1974. My specialties are psychological evaluation and psychotherapy.
Psychology is a fascinating, gratifying profession. Over the years I have certainly seen a great deal of misery, confusion, and despair among my clients. But I’ve also learned to look beyond that, because what constantly impresses me is the strength and resilience that most individuals can find within themselves. Often, they just need to be pointed in the right direction.
In addition to my work with the public, I’m active in professional and community organizations. My goals in these activities are to help people gain a better understanding of psychology and how it figures into day-to-day life. There is a huge body of research that explains what makes us tick. I want people to know about it.
Outside of work I enjoy spending time with my husband of 40+ years, our children & grandkids, and our dog and grand-dog. Exercise and a healthy dose of humor every day help keep me sane.
I’ve learned that life doesn’t need to be serious in order to be meaningful. Laughter is not only one of life’s most pleasurable activities; it is truly a stress reducer.
Contact me
Curriculum Vitae
1. Licensed psychologist in private practice. 5/82 to present
- Individual, marital and family therap
- Psychological evaluation and consultatio
- Child Custody Evaluatio
- Expert witness testimon
- Consultation to business and industr
- Public speaking for various community group
- Frequent appearances on local and regional news programs as a psychological expert
2. Co-founder, The Practice Institute, LLC http://thepracticeinstitute.com
- Consultation, coaching and resources for mental health professionals.
- Conduct workshops on practice development, ethical business principles, marketing and educating the public about mental health issues
3. Co-founder, Center for Advanced Professional Education CAPE
A partnership between University of Redlands and The Practice Institute, providing business development training and profession education workshops. https://www.redlands.edu/cape
4. Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA)
- Editor, The Pennsylvania Psychologist, 1989-9
- Communications Board Chair, 1995-9
- Communications Board member1999 to presen
- Member, PPA Business & Psychology work projec
- Presentations at annual PPA meeting
- President, Pennsylvania Psychological Foundation 2015-2017
5. American Psychological Association:
- Member, Committee for the Advancement of Professional Psychology – 2010-2012
- Division 46 Media Psychology & Technology: Past President, Past Secretary, Past Chair, Marketing & Advertising Committee
- Division 42 Independent Practice: President 2018. Past Internet Editor, Marketing & Public Education Chair, Coordinator of Virtual Learning Hour. Current Board member.
- Division 29 Member, Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
- Fellow of APA and Divisions 29, 42 and 46
6. Editor, The Pillar
Newsletter for MentorCoach training program – 2005 – 2007
Center for Effective Living, Rochester Minnesota, 4/78 – 6/81
- Licensed consulting psychologist in private practic
- Duties: Psychological evaluation and psychotherap
- Provider of diagnostic and referral service for local industries and businesses (EAP
- Consultations with local social service organizations and educational institution
- Consultant to two rural Minnesota school district
- Consultant to the Tribunal, Winona Diocese of Minnesota
Community-University Health Care Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. 3/74 – 12/78
- Position: Staff psychologis
- Duties: Psychological evaluation and psychotherap
- Administrative and research dutie
- Consultant to local school
- Supervision of graduate students in psychotherapy and research
University of Minnesota 3/71 – 3/73
Completed APA-approved practica and internships
Penn State University, Harrisburg campus 9/81 – 3/83
Taught the following courses: Tests & Measurements; Behavior Modification (with lab); Abnormal Psychology; Issues in Psychology (mind/body interaction)
University of Minnesota 1975 -81
Taught the following courses: Personality, Abnormal Psychology, Social Psychology
Presented workshops since 1997 on mental health practice development, advanced internet searching, online writing and public education for Pennsylvania Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, Ontario Psychological Association, New Jersey Psychological Association, Missouri Psychological Association, APA Division 42 Indepent Practice.
Presented other workshops to various organizations on various topics: Self-control, Positive Psychology, Happiness, Bereavement, and other topics of psychological interest.
University of Minnesota, Ph.D. 1974. Major in clinical psychology with supporting minor program
B.A. Honors Psychology, University of Toronto, 1969
Coaching training – 2004-2005 – MentorCoach Inc. – Foundations, Intensive Skills, Applications of Positive Psychology (emphasis on strengths)
Attended special workshops and training programs in the areas of chemical dependency, stress reduction, consultation, evaluation, forensic issues, dyslexia, therapeutic interventions, child custody and neuropsychology.
Frequent workshop attendance for professional growth and for continuing education to maintain professional license.
Licensed Psychologist, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania since 1982
Fellow, American Psychological Association – Division 46 (Media Psychology & Technology), Division 42 (Independent Practice) and Division 29 (Psychotherapy)
Fellow, Pennsylvania Psychological Association
Two-time recipient of Psychologist in the Media Award from Pennsylvania Psychological Association, based on contributions to public education about psychology
2014 recipient of Distinguished Applied Contributions to Media Psychology & Technology award from APA Division 46, Society for Media Psychology & Technology
2018 recipient of Lifetime Achievement Award from APA Division 46, Society for Media Psychology & Technology
- Past President, Division 42 Independent Practice, American Psychological Association
- Member and chair-elect, Division 42 Membership Committee
- APA Committee for the Advancement of Professional Practice
- Internet Editor, APA Division 42
- President, APA Division 46
- Publications Committee Chair, APA Division 46
- President, Pennsylvania Psychological Foundation (PPF) 2016 – 2017
- Secretary/Treasurer, PPF 2013-2016
- Communications Board Chair, Pennsylvania Psychological Association (PPA)
- Bulletin Editor, PPA and Press release Editor, PPA
- Chair, Marketing & Public Education Committee, APA Division 42 (Independent Practice)
- Member of Membership Committee, APA Division 42
- Member-at-large and Ethics Committee Chair, Division 46 (Media Psychology & Technology)
Wallin, P., “The Basics of Ethical Marketing, as Applied to Practice” In Barnett, J, Zimmerman, J. and Walfish, S (eds), The Handbook Of Private Practice. Oxford University Press, 2017
Wallin, P., “Building Your Online Presence” In Stout, C (ed): Getting Better at Private Practice. Wiley, 2012
Wallin, P., “Working With the Media” In Stout, C (ed): Getting Better at Private Practice. Wiley, 2012
Wallin, P., “Internet Research Strategies for Finding High-Quality Content on Topics of Psychology and Mental Health,” in Gregerson, M.B. (Ed.), Technology Innovations for Behavioral Education. Springer, 2011.
The National Psychologist – frequent contributor.
Wallin, P., Taming Your Inner Brat: A Guide to Transforming Self-defeating Behavior, Beyond Words Publishing, 2001. 2nd edition: Wildcat Canyon Press, 2004. Translated into four languages
Blogger for APA’s yourmindyourbody.org
Body & Mind Magazine – regular columnist 2007-14: “On Your Mind” (various psychological topics of general interest)
Several articles published on multiple websites, addressing various topics of psychological interest e.g., habit change, relationships, self-control
Quoted in national newspapers and magazines including USA Today, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Forbes, Self, Ladies’ Home Journal, Modern Bride, Fitness, Prevention, Woman’s Day, Consumer Reports on Health. Also quoted on CNN and Associated Press Network.
Wrote press releases on various topics of timely interest for Pennsylvania Psychological Association
Koch, M. F. and Wallin, P, “The Use of Goal Attainment Scaling as a Method of Evaluating Clinical Outcome in an Inpatient Child Psychiatry Service,” Journal of Child Psychiatry, Vol. 16, No. 3, Summer 1977, pp.439-445.
Wallin, P. “Pets and Mental Health,” Gaines Veterinary Symposium, 1978.