Pauline Wallin, PhD
Licensed Psychologist
“Sometimes all it takes is a new perspective.”
My practice is open, and I am accepting new clients.
Interested in counseling or therapy? We can meet in person or virtually via secure telehealth platform. More information on telehealth here.
Need a psychological evaluation for employment or for the court? With some exceptions, these evaluations are conducted in person. My in-person office hours are Mon and Wed 2-6 pm and Friday 9 am to 1pm. If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please call me at 717-761-1814 or send an email to

40+ years of experience helping people with:
- Depression
- Anxiety, Worry, Fear
- Stress
- Problems with anger and temper
- Marital and family problems
- School underachievement
- Mid-life crisis
- Career decision
- Living with illness, pain or disability
Other services:
Evaluations for Security and Law Enforcement
- PA Act 235 (to carry lethal weapon on the job)
- Pre-employment and promotion-related psychological testing for Police, Fire and Security
Evaluations for Court and Legal Purposes
- Child Custody Evaluation
- Assessment of Emotional Disability
Evaluations for Business
- Testing for hiring and promotion, in accordance with EEOC and ADA guidelines
Speaking and workshops for your organization
- Effective communication
- Procrastination
- Chronic lateness
- Family relationships
- Holiday Stress
- Taming your inner br